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Adult Burn Survivor Support Group

We conduct a bi-weekly Adult Burn Survivor facilitated support group for survivors and significant others at the Kessler Burn & Trauma Unit. The group meets from 7:30-8:30pm in the conference room on 3-2800, usually on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month. 

The in-person group is currently on hiatus due to the Covid19 Pamdemic. Plans are being made to hold a virtual group meeting beginning early in 2021. Stay tuned for announcements and dates. 

Please contact us at (585) 482-6770 for assistance.

Survivors Offering Assistance in Recovery

Known as SOAR, this program trains burn survivors who are at a sufficient place in their own recovery to support newly injured patients and their families in the recovery process by being peer mentors. This program is co-facilitated by FLRBA and the Kessler Burn Center. Referrals can be given in the hospital and any time after discharge. Efforts are made to match survivors and family members with a peer mentor that has had a similar injury and impact.

Group Therapy
Individual & Family Therapy

Individual & Family Psychotherapy is available on an as needed basis to supplement other support services. It is not unusual for a burn survivor to suffer from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. These services are provided at no cost to the burn survivor.

Phoenix Society World Burn Congress

World Burn Congress is an international conference which draws burn survivors, health care and fire service professionals together and provides a very intense, therapeutic program. It is the only event in which burn survivors can meet large numbers of other burn survivors of various ages and severity of injury and share in a confidential, supportive environment. FLRBA sponsors 7-10 individuals to attend at an average cost of $1200 per person. Our goal is to increase this number.

Young Adult Retreat

This is an annual event held in the spring which draws national participation. This event is co-produced by our organization along with the San Diego Burn Institute and the Georgia Firefighters Burn Foundation. Young adults between the ages of 18-25 years of age participate in this unique event to address the multitude of challenges including education, relationships, career development which is difficult enough without a burn injury.

Camp Courage & Youth Support

Camp Courage  is an annual sleepover camp for youth ages 6-17 who have a suffered a burn injury. The camp draws youth from all over New York State, northern Pennsylvania, and Ontario Canada. This is an opportunity for them to be normal children without being self-conscious of their injuries. The camp also includes a psychosocial, therapeutic aspect which emphasizes self-esteem and social skills. The camp is totally underwritten and there are no costs for participants.
Youth programs also include facilitating school reentry after a child has been injured as well as additional youth activities and therapeutic support throughout the year.

Filling Out a Medical Form
Emergency Assistance

This program provides financial support, supplies, transportation, and housing when a loved one is hospitalized for an extensive burn injury, which hospitalization for several weeks or months can be expected. This puts unusual demands on family and financial resources. FLRBA will assist in paying housing costs, gas and parking and food during the acute phases of treatment. These costs vary greatly and are completely supported by donations. This fund also includes supporting the purchase of compression garments which reduce scarring and restrictions to motion. For a pediatric patient, 3 -4 garments are required annually at a cost of $1500. Assistance is provided on a case-by-case basis and is evaluated by committee to determine critical need.

Burn Prevention

FLRBA representatives are available to present education sessions to increase awareness of burn injury and prevention. FLRBA has attended health fairs, fire department open houses, school assemblies and often appears on local television news programs to increase awareness.

© 2023 Finger Lakes Regional Burn Association

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